Thursday, January 19, 2012

oh, heyyyy

updates, pals:

got my dress! found it in a secret (or so it seems...) jcrew final sale listed for 149.99, plus an additional 30% off of that. it wasn't listed on jcrew AT ALL and i only found it because of google-imaging various colors for the dress that i was debating over.

got my hair piece. that was 158ish, and it's flippin amazing. 

sent out the ol' save the dates. feels dang real now.

texted with morgan about her flight to vermont and realized that not only can i not wait to get married, but I CAN'T WAIT TO HAVE ALL OF MY FAVORITE PEOPLE ALL IN THE SAME PLACE ALL AT THE SAME TIME. weddings are the best. 

that's aboot all. xo 

total on my outfit thus far: about 260 buckaroos. suweeeet.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

dress, part two

how annoying.

so you know how i bought a dress off of ebay? it was supposed to arrive no later than today. welllll i got an email from the sender and she said she 'overlooked it previously' but that there is a stain on the dress. it's not that big and she'd give me a discount...but really?

so i'm back at being an ebay-searching machine. hopefully i can find another awesome deal.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ceremony Spot

I just found this blog post I had written just after Christmas and never published. Decided to do so, but it'll sound a bit out of order after this last post. 

Christmas this year was so excellent! So unexpectedly so, too. I was definitely not feeling the Christmas Spirit and was dreading shopping and dealing with people and wrapping presents and then rushing from house to house. Overall a serious Grinch. But then Friday came, and Will and I went to Burlington (our old stomping grounds! I MISS IT!!!!!) and we shopped and explored and talked and had coffee and bagels and it was so perfect. It even started snowing these big fat flakes that when they landed on us, didn't melt right away so we were able to see every little intricate detail of each flake. And the music that was playing was actually really nice. Plus we were super happy to find that a lot of the large chain stores that have been on Church Street were replaced by little Vermont stores and people were all choosing to shop in them as opposed to Banana Republic and the like. Very heartwarming! I love Vermont. It was all just so lovely...the wrapping late Christmas Eve night whilst drinking beers and listening to Langhorne with Will. The multiple Christmaseseseses between his family and my own were so wonderful, too. 

The day after Christmas, Will and I took my parent's new pup out hiking in their field. We had talked about having the wedding out there but ultimately decided to have it in the field surrounding the orchard where we'll be having the reception. But then while we were out walking, we found the most perfect little spot in my parent's field and decided right then to get married there, instead. It needs some work but it's nestled in this little valley-type area of the field, and there's a pretty view to one direction and rolling hillside everywhere else. The tree area where we'll have our ceremony will have to be cleaned up a bit and we have to do a bit more planning on how to get people out there, but we're both really excited about that spot. 

The photos I took really don't make it look like anything special, but here they are just the same: 

ceremony area

where everyone will sit

what surrounds the little spot

So that's that. It's all starting to feel so real!

the dress! YEAH!

I've bought my dress!!!!! 

back story: 

this right here is the one i tried on and cried in. i wanted it so badly. 

it's a dress from saja, and it's magical. it's light and flowy and just pure love. this dress is actually not one that i originally liked when i saw it online. but when i tried it on? good god it was luuurve. the only problem? it was 1400 dollars. i know, i know...never try on a dress you can't afford. however, i did some (poor, apparently) research beforehand and had thought that all saja dresses were around or under 700. this is apparently not true. so yeah, i thought and thought and thought about this dress. i know 1400 dollars is not a lot of money when it comes to wedding dresses these days...BUT IT'S INSANE. it really is. for a dress you wear once?! for a couple of hours? ARE YOU KIDDING?! there are people out there that have real problems and i'm sitting here complaining about not getting this dress? yeah. i just knew that if i got this one than i wouldn't fully enjoy it as i'd be thinking how disgusting it was that i spent that much money. also it goes completely against this ol' blogski, so just for that reason alone i couldn't do it. ha! 

so then i came up with a genius idea: what if i found it used? so i went online late one night and searched for used saja dresses. and i found some flippin' fantastic websites. pretty much you can google 'used wedding dresses' and go from there. the ones i went to were here and here and on wedding blogs under listings that people have posted...places such as oncewed and ruffled and the like. and then i randomly went on ebay. after a LOT of searching, i found one that i loved. i texted with my dad who told me that i needed to get it. 

this was that one:

it's a jcrew dress. it had swiss dots (lovelovelove me some swiss dots) and was otherwise exactly what i've wanted in a dress. except that my boobs would be closer to this

rather than, well...what you see that jcrew model rockin'. and the fabric was less flowy and more starchy looking. i don't know this for sure, as i never tried it on, but from the research i did that's what i discovered. my dad's sweet texts were definitely swaying my opinion on it, but i ultimately decided against it.

so then i got pretty discouraged and didn't know what the heck to do. i found a grey dress that i fell in love with. i found a couple of other ones in random colors/shapes as well. i just loved pretty much every dress...and then never bought them. 

and then i found one that i sort-of liked. the price/quality was right, and it had pretty much everything i wanted, but i just wasn't sure. i went on ebay and found it for 165 dollars, in my size, with tags still on it. i was thisclose to buying it, but then backed out. someone quickly snatched it up, and i was back at square one. 

then i google imaged key words to describe the dress i picture myself wearing, and just sorted through all of the photos that popped up. every.single.time that i clicked on a dress that i thought was absolutely perfect, it ended up being the dress that i wasn't entirely sure about and backed out of. every single time! so then i became obsessed with it. i almost bought it in a pretty blue, then a grey, and then a pink. and then last night at 11:30 i went online and found it. and bought it. 

one hundred and nineteen dollars and ninety nine cents plus shipping: grand total of 129.49. i could have bid on it and yes, i'm sure scored it for much cheaper. however i didn't want to lose it this time and so i just bought it outright. and really? less than 130 dollars for my wedding dress? that's like 1200 dollars cheaper than the original original.

i also bought my headpiece. that cost more than the dress, but i don't care. 

because will reads this blog, i'm not going to post pictures of the dress or the headpiece. i am so bad at keeping anything a surprise from him, so in the event that i end up showing him (really, it's just a matter of time...) i'll post the photos then. 

i have never been so excited for the mail to be delivered. 

OH! and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!! i hope whatever it was that you did for new years was wonderful, and this brand new year is so, so good to you.