Sunday, September 9, 2012

life lately

it's been awhile since i've posted. i've had all these posts in my head on the wrap-up of the wedding, but it's overwhelming. how can i ever write about the most magical days of my life with will to date? i can't. it's impossible. the wedding week was...was...perfect. 

so until i get around to that post, i'll put up a photo of us officially hitched.

oh, and i'll tell you what we spent on the shindig, because i said i would even though i feel weird about it (and even though the whole point of this blog was to show a wedding done well on a budget, i'll continue to feel a little unsettled about disclosing how much we spent. mostly because to some people, this amount is way too much and to say it's not a lot of money is false.). anyway, we spent around two thousand dollars. i think we accomplished our goal of a pretty wedding on a budget! i'll write more on how we did it later, complete with photos. i just don't feel like it right now, ok?

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