Tuesday, February 7, 2012

right now

right now: it's kind've cold in boston, but that's normal for february. what's not normal is the fact that i'm complaining that it's kind of cold in boston, and it's 45 degrees. on my walks i've noticed daffodils about four inches high. the ground never froze. the geese never left. what are we doing to you, dear earth? 

right now: i'm missing studying abroad. last night on my commute home, a song came on that will forever remind me of rome. and when i am reminded of rome, i'm reminded of adventures in europe and the sisterfriends i made there. i became melancholic; deeply saddened by my missing of those times and those people. 

right now: will is in vermont moving into our new apartment and making it lived-in and warm so that this weekend, when i come to see him, it'll feel like maybe things are starting to make a little more sense. this past year was the second hardest year in our time together, and as things are now starting to clear in our personal lives, our together life is becoming happier and peaceful and so, so good. i'm glad we went through this year though. it's made me even more confident in our partnership. i'm feeling blessed.

right now: in light of some things that recently happened with will, i'm finding that i'm even more determined to kick this bad year behind us. i wanna just kick-ass together...not like kick ass as in taking names, but kick-ass together...like, be awesome. so far we've got a long list of things for 2012 to begin our kicking-assness. 2012 is the year man, i can feel it.

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